St Edmund's RC Primary School

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Queen Street, Little Hulton, Salford M38 0WH

0161 921 1940

St Edmund's RC Primary School

Remote Learning

Welcome to our Remote Learning Page!

Here you will find information about how to access our home learning resources as well as what we expect of you during this lockdown period. 

Learning at home is hard work and we want to help you in any way we can. Please let us know if you need help using one of the following ways:

  • If you are in Y1-6, private message us on Google Classroom
  • If you are in Early Years, send us a message on Tapestry
  • If you need help as a parent/ carer email us 

Tapestry - Early Years 

Google Classroom - Year 1 - 6 

 Our children must access the platform through RM Unify. When you log into RM you must be able to see @stedmunds to the right of the username.