St Edmund's RC Primary School

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St Edmund's RC Primary School


Welcome to our Reception Class!

Reception Team

Team Orange - Mrs Bradbury Class Teacher

Team Yellow - Mrs Leeson Class Teacher (3 days)

Mrs Eccleshare Class Teacher (2 days) 

Mrs Backhouse - Teaching Assistant

Miss Macmanus - PPA Teacher

Reception Reminders: Please ensure your child has a PE kit, in a named bag, in school.  Fruit is available free of charge daily. Toast and milk are available for the half term via Parent Pay.  Thank you!


As you know Tapestry is wonderful app used by the Early Years Team. We use it to document children's learning journeys in school. We love it when you view our in school learning and add your comments! 
Remember you can use Tapestry at home to share any learning or experiences from home. We always love to hear for you.  Click on the image below to access a guide
to explain 'The why and how of adding observations; for families using Tapestry at home.'

Team Orange

Team Yellow

Reading Workshop Briefing

Click here for our Reading Workshop Briefing Power Point. 

Click here, to access the video above. 

Online Home Learning Links

Reading Eggs is an amazing website/app that you can use from home. You can have great fun playing games and reading.

Children have their own individual reading login which you should have received by email. If you cannot find your child's login details, please ask a member of the Reception team and they will gladly give this to you!

Happy reading! 

Click on the image to access the website. 

Mathseeds is part of the Reading eggs app that you can use from home.  You can have great fun playing maths games.

The login for this amazing app is the same as your child's reading login. If you cannot find your child's login details, please ask a member of the Reception team and they will gladly give this to you!


Click on the image to access the website. 

Our homework web has lots of suggested home activities linked to our current topic. These activities are linked to the areas of learning in Reception and are designed to be practical, using resources at home which do not need printing.
These activities are for the whole of the half term. Ideally, you should select one activity to complete each week. Which activity you choose and the order in which you complete them is entirely your choice.
Once you have selected an activity from the web you can upload photos or videos on Tapestry to show completed homework. We will then award your child with a green dojo.

We can’t wait to see all your lovely homework and celebrate their work in class. 

Summer Two 2024

Gospel Assembly

Reception took part in our first ‘Gospel Assembly’ this morning. They were really excited to lead this and they were fantastic speaking in front of the whole school. Well done children, we are so proud of you!

Blackpool Zoo

The children have really enjoyed our topic 'Jungle and rainforests.'  We all went on a trip to Blackpool Zoo where we saw lots of different wild animals. The children were exceptionally behaved and thoroughly enjoyed the day. 

Life cycle of a butterfly

Today one of our butterflies has split its chrysalis and started to spread its wings for the first time. We were very excited to see this!


This afternoon we looked at lots of different maps. We talked about what they are and discussed some of their uses.
We then went out onto the playground and had a good look around. When we came back inside we had a go at making our own maps of the school playground.
Super work, well done everyone! 

Summer One 2024


We used balance scales to weigh some classroom objects. The children were encouraged to use the language heavier and lighter to compare the objects. The children noticed that the size of the object didn’t matter, as some of the bigger items did not weigh as much as the smaller ones.

Superhero Day!

We had a fantastic superhero day! The children all looked amazing dressed up. We had lots of fun in our PE lesson jumping like superheroes. Then we did some writing about our favourite superhero. 


Our story of the week is the Train Ride. Yesterday we talked about travelling on a train and wrote about some of the things we might see out of the window as we are travelling along.

Today the children wrote about who they would go on holiday with and some of the things they would take with them.


This week we started our new topic all about superheroes! We have talked about what superheroes can do. Then we decorated our own 'Hulk biscuits' and wrote instructions about them. 

Science through Stories

We did an experiment this week. They had to predict what would happen to an egg if it was dropped from a height. They predicted that it would crack. They were then given a choice of lots of different materials and were asked to predict which of the materials would protect the egg. The children thought that all the eggs would crack but were surprised to see that the egg was protected by the shredded paper.


In Maths this week we have been counting on. We used number frames to help us count from the number 5. We all tried really hard! 

Spring Two 2024


We have been exploring the story of ‘The Ugly Duckling’. We created our own story maps and wrote about how the ugly duckling was feeling.

Science through stories

In this lesson we focused on the story 'The Three Little Pigs.'  We challenged the children to become the wolf and investigate which objects might move if we blow (huff and puff) at them?  The children had to make predictions and give explanations as to why they did move or not. 


The children had been watching the eggs in the incubator all morning and were very excited to see some of the eggs cracking and moving about. At lunch time our first chick hatched and the children all went over to inspect it. They were surprised by it’s size and appearance.

Stations of the Cross

We enjoyed our experience of the Stations of the Cross led by Year 3-4 and the Gift Team. We were very respectful and reflected on what we listened to as we visited each station. 


In PE we have had lots of fun exploring different movements. We have done lots of action songs to help us move in different ways.


This morning the children were very excited to hear that six more chicks had hatched overnight. We now have a total of eight chicks!
This afternoon all the children had the opportunity to hold and stroke the chicks. They loved it! Afterwards we talked about hygiene and the importance of washing our hands after touching farm animals.


In our maths lessons this week we have been comparing the lengths of different objects and measuring them using non standard units of measure. We measured small objects from around the classroom using cubes and today we measured larger items using paper feet.

Spring One 2024

Traditional Tales

This week we have been learning about The Three Little Pigs and the children have enjoyed building their houses of sticks and lego bricks.


This week we had another practice balancing the bean bags on our heads. We then created a challenge where we had to balance the bean bag and throw it into the hoop. We had so much fun! We have also loved exploring with the tennis balls. We have practised bouncing, rolling, throwing and catching them with our partners.


We have been learning all about addition. We have been adding characters on the bus and then adding some more and seeing what our total is overall.


We learnt all about our topic Celebrations. We have been writing all about birthdays and how we celebrate them around the world. We have also been learning about Chinese New Year.

Taste Testing

We have all tasted lots of Chinese foods this week. We discussed what they tasted like. We had spring rolls, egg fried rice, prawn toast and wontons. They were delicious. 

Pancake Day

We had a great time in class celebrating Pancake Day. We made pancakes and then we got to eat them! 

Autumn Two 2023


Today, we had a very special visit from a local nurse. She brought her first aid kit and a box full of equipment to show the children. She allowed the children to look closely at the equipment and then she kindly left it at school for the children to play with.
They had so much fun this afternoon pretending to be nurses and looking after their friends.


We had a very special visit from some police officers. They talked about their role and showed us all of their equipment.
One of the police officers showed us his police car and allowed us to sit in it and turn on the flashing lights and sirens.
The other police officer showed us the special uniform and hats they have to wear. 


As part of our topic about 'People who help us', we had a very special visit today from the Fire Service.
We looked at their fire engine and the firemen showed us where they store all of their equipment. Mrs Leeson volunteered to try on their special protective clothing and was surprised at how heavy it was. 

The firemen then allowed some of the children to shoot water from the fire hose but unfortunately they were then called out to an emergency.


The teachers tried the uniform on to show us what it looks like and we modelled the hats.


The children loved listening to the siren and watching them drive away with the lights flashing.

BBC Philharmonic Orchestra

We had a very special visit from the BBC’s Philharmonic Musical Workshop.
They performed the story of the Gingerbread Man to music using a violin, a cello and a flute. Before they started the performance they talked about the different instruments and showed the children how to play them.
During the performance the children were encouraged to sing the Gingerbread Man song and copy the actions to the song.

Autumn One 2023

Black History Month 2023

Black History Month is celebrated in school each October, to recognise the achievements of black people in the past and present.
In circle time today we talked about lots of different black people from the past and how they fought for freedom and to be treated equally.
We discussed in our classes how important it is for everyone to be treated fairly.


In Maths this week, we have been learning how to match different objects together and describe how things are the 'same' and 'different.'


Black History Month 2023

Finally we looked at pictures of lots of significant black people and spoke about how they have made a difference.


The children have been amazing at getting changed for our first PE lesson in the hall.  They have been practising different 'stop', 'start' games. The children listened well to Miss MacManus's instructions


During our topic of 'Pets,' the children have enjoyed playing in the role play area as vets.  They were really excited to look after the animals and make them better.

Liturgical Prayer

The children were very respectful during this session.  We spoke about Love, Care and Respect.  The children were given a paper heart and asked to draw how they could show love and kindness