Years 5 and 6
There are 4 classrooms in Upper Key Stage Two. The classes are:
Team Amethyst - Mr Holcroft
Team Violet - Mrs Linforth
Team Magenta - Mr Kilner
Team Lavender - Miss MacManus
We are also assisted by the phenomenal the wonderful Mrs Butler, the amazing Mrs Fisher and the stupendous Miss Williams.
Upper Key Stage 2 Reminders
Year 5 have swimming each Tuesday
Years 5 and 6 have PE each Monday. Team Violet and Team Magenta have their second PE lesson on Wednesday; Team Amethyst have theirs each Tuesday.
Your child will have a 'Reading Reward Card' in their reading record. Please ensure that your child reads each day - continuing to read with them is wonderful! If your child reads every day in one week they will receive one stamp. When they have achieved 4 stamps your child will be given a reward in school. If you are unsure about anything, please speak to a member of the team. Thank you for your continued support and happy reading!
Our Curriculum
Click here for an overview of the subjects we will be studying this year.
Information Briefings
Previous Meetings
Transition Meeting - June 2024 - Click here for information.
Upcoming Meetings
Year 5 and 6 Reading Briefing - Friday 27th September 2.50pm
Year 6 SATs and Transition Briefing - Thursday 10th October 8.55am
Lledr Hall Briefing for Year 5 - Friday 11th October 2.50pm
Autumn 1
Year 6 Maths
In Maths No Problem, we have been playing games to practise comparing numbers to ten million. We're off to a great start in Year 6!