St Edmund's RC Primary School

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St Edmund's RC Primary School

Nursery Class 2023 - 2024


Hello and welcome to the Nursery website page.

This is where you can take a look at all your children's learning and first steps on their educational journey.

Throughout the year this page will be updated with parent information, learning experiences, photos, events, and much, much more.

Nursery Team Red

Mrs Hartley - Class Teacher 

Mrs Kerrigan - Teaching Assistant 

Miss Matthews - Teaching Assistant 


In Nursery we have three key groups, which are the Lions, Bears and Tigers. If you have any questions or queries, then please speak to Mrs Hartley, or your child's key worker. They will be more than happy to help. 


Mrs Hartley - Lions Key Worker 

Mrs Kerrigan - Tigers Key Worker 

Miss Matthews - Bears Key Worker 

Nursery Reminders......Please ensure that your child has a full change of clothes in a labelled draw string bag. Thank you! 


As you know Tapestry is a wonderful app used by the Early Years Team. We use it to document children's learning journeys in school. We love it when you view our in school learning and add your comments! 
Remember you can use Tapestry at home to share any learning or experiences from home. We always love to hear for you.  Click on the image below to access a guide
to explain 'The why and how of adding observations; for families using Tapestry at home.'
If we are forced to conduct home learning due to COVID 19 we will be using Tapestry to share home learning activities. You will be able to access these using 'memos'. You cannot view 'memos' on the app, you need to access Tapestry via your internet browsers to see the memos sent by teachers. 

Thank you to all the parents who attended the Nursery Reading Workshop. For the parents who were unable to attend please click on the link above (Nursery Reading Briefing) to see the power point presentation. If you have any questions, then please speak to Mrs Hartley. Thank you.

Autumn One Term 2023

What happens in Autumn?

The children have been learning about what happens in Autumn, by enjoying lots of Autumn related stories, such as, Shark in the Park on a Windy Day.  They have been on an Autumn walk, and exploring Autumn objects too! They loved touching and exploring the spiky conker shells. 

Black History Month

As part of black history month we have been learning about how each person is different and that we are all special. Mrs Hartley explained that we can all have different coloured skin, eyes, hair and be different sizes but that we are all unique.  

Owl Babies 

We have shared the story, Owl Babies with the Nursery children. They've adored this story.  The children have been busy learning about where owls live and what they eat. The children made their own nests for the owl babies and they created owls with different media and play dough. 

Autumn Two Term 2023

Witches and Wizards 

During this topic, we shared the stories, Meg and Mog and What's in the Witch's Kitchen? The children joined in with lots of learning activities that included; creating their own spells. drawing witches and making pumpkins with play-dough. What a spooky time we had! 


The Nursery children have become shape detectives this half term and have been spotting and naming lots of shapes in our classroom and outside.  What super shape spotters you are! 

Remembrance Day

The Nursery children were amazing during the two minute silence, at thinking about the soldiers. We talked to the children about remembering the fallen soldiers and why we buy poppies. The children made a poppy biscuit each, and created poppies within continuous provision. 

Marvellous Me 

During our topic 'Marvellous Me', the children learnt about the parts of the body and used mirrors to talk about what they look like. They also learnt about where they live and who is in their family. There's been lots of super learning this half term guys! Well done! 

Anti Bullying Week 

During Autumn two, we celebrated 'Anti Bullying Week' by wearing our odd socks to school. Mrs Hartley explained that the odd socks were to show that we all look different, but we are all special and that we need to be kind to one another. Thank you for supporting our Odd Socks Day Nursery!  

Celebrating Christmas

 We've had a magical time celebrating Christmas in Nursery. Firstly, we were preparing for Advent, by making cakes, wrapping presents and learning about the birth of baby Jesus.  Next, the children wrote letters to Santa and posted them at the post box. They also enjoyed  Christmas dinner and meeting Santa. Lastly, we completed the half term with a wonderful Christmas Songs and Crafts session for our families. 

Spring One Term 2024

Chinese New Year 

In Spring one the children have been learning about the celebration Chinese New Year. They have learnt how  Chinese people celebrate and prepare their homes for this special occasion. We looked at where we live on a world map and where China is and discussed the differences. The children also made dragon masks, lanterns. tasted Chinese food and joined in with a Chinese dragon dance. 

Winter Wonderland 

Winter has finally arrived and the children loved exploring the frost, ice and snow outside. This term, Nursery have shared the texts, Here Comes Jack Frost, Brown Bear Brown Bear What do you See? And Polar Bear Polar Bear What do you hear? They have participated in a range of activities linked to winter and they were amazed by making ice and watching it melt! The children have learnt so much new vocabulary. 

Numbers and Patterns 

We've been busy in our maths lessons, as we have been pattern hunting, creating patterns using objects and we even used a coloured pattern to make a winter scarf. 

The children have also learnt about the numbers one, two and three and they have completed lots of challenges about these numbers, as well as creating their own Numberblocks. 

Spring Two Term 2024

World Book Day 

Today the children dressed up as their favourite book characters.  

They all looked spectacular!

Each child created their bookmark and we shared lots of our favourite stories. We had a wonderful day! 

Are eggs alive? 

We've had a busy half term learning if all eggs are alive? The farmer dropped some eggs off at school and we observed them closely until they hatched. We got the opportunity to hold the baby chicks each day until they went back to the farm and we learnt lots about the life cycle of a chick. We also, painted chicks, completed lots of mark making activities and cooked and tasted some scrambled egg too! It was delicious. 


Each week the Nursery children have been introduced to a new sound. We have been looking for objects that start with the focus initial sound and we've also been forming the sound in our environment. We are learning lots of new sounds now, so that we are ready for moving up to Reception. Great work Nursery! 

Summer One Term 2024

Superhero Day   

We had a superb superhero day! The children all looked amazing dressed up in their costumes. We had lots of fun learning and playing throughout the day.  We built buildings in our classroom and practised jumping and climbing like superheroes. Then we did some writing about our favourite superhero and made superhero masks too! 


This half term our topic has been based on 'Growing and Animals'. We have shared many focus texts, including Jack and the Beanstalk and The Wide Mouthed Frog. The children have watched our frogspawn change and grow into frogs and we've planted seeds and cared for them.  Our beanstalks grew really tall and the children now have a good understanding about what plants and animals need to grow. 


We have been size super stars in Nursery this half term. The children have been developing their language and understanding of size. They have been ordering beanstalks from the shortest to the tallest and they have been using their measuring sticks to find items that are shorter and taller. 

Summer Two Term 2024

People Who Help Us 

This half term we have been learning about different occupations and how all these different people help us. The children watched videos, listened to stories and information books and learnt lots about all the different jobs in our world. 

They then chose which job they would like to have when they grow u and participated in our graduation assembly! 

2D and 3D shapes 

We have been shape super stars in Nursery this half term. The children have been sorting the shapes into different sets. They have been spotting lots of 3D shapes in our environment and learning the names of them. They have also been learning lots of new vocabulary such as 2D, flat, 3D and solid. 

Sports Day 

The Nursery children participated in their first sports day at St Edmunds and what a wonderful experience it was. They took part in the running race, balancing race, egg and spoon race and the hoop and beanbag race. They were all truly amazing! 

Thank you to all the parents, carers and friends who came to support us. Your support is appreciated.